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myCNC Timers

myCNC controllers support up to 4 timers.

  • Each timer can be assigned to any output pin.
  • Pulse time (in milliseconds) and Pause time (in milliseconds) can be setup for each timer
  • Timers can be enabled/disabled from myCNC software setup dialog or through number of Global Variable registers.

myCNC software configuration dialog to setup Timers is shown below

Global Variable Registers to control myCNC Timers

Variable Name Address Description
GVAR_TIMER0_ENABLED 8100 Writing “0” to this register will disable Timer0,
writing “1” will enable Timer0
GVAR_TIMER0_PORT 8101 Writing to this register will change Output pin connected to Timer0. Writing value is the Output Pin#
GVAR_TIMER0_PULSE 8102 A value written to this register is Timer 0 Pulse width in milliseconds
GVAR_TIMER0_PAUSE 8103 A value written to this register is Timer 0 Pause in milliseconds
GVAR_TIMER1_ENABLED 8104 Writing “0” to this register will disable Timer1,
writing “1” will enable Timer1
GVAR_TIMER1_PORT 8105 Writing to this register will change Output pin connected to Timer1. Writing value is the Output Pin#
GVAR_TIMER1_PULSE 8106 A value written to this register is Timer 1 Pulse width in milliseconds
GVAR_TIMER1_PAUSE 8107 A value written to this register is Timer 1 Pause in milliseconds
GVAR_TIMER2_ENABLED 8108 Writing “0” to this register will disable Timer2,
writing “1” will enable Timer2
GVAR_TIMER2_PORT 8109 Writing to this register will change Output pin connected to Timer2. Writing value is the Output Pin#
GVAR_TIMER2_PULSE 8110 A value written to this register is Timer 2 Pulse width in milliseconds
GVAR_TIMER2_PAUSE 8111 A value written to this register is Timer 2 Pause in milliseconds
GVAR_TIMER3_ENABLED 8112 Writing “0” to this register will disable Timer3,
writing “1” will enable Timer3
GVAR_TIMER3_PORT 8113 Writing to this register will change Output pin connected to Timer3. Writing value is the Output Pin#
GVAR_TIMER3_PULSE 8114 A value written to this register is Timer 3 Pulse width in milliseconds
GVAR_TIMER3_PAUSE 8115 A value written to this register is Timer 3 Pause in milliseconds

How to use Timers in Hardware PLC

Here is an example of Timer0 setup in PLC procedure

M169 is Timer0 initialization and start

  gvarset(8101,1);  // Setup Out#1 as Timer0 output
  gvarset(8102,5);  // Pulse width is 5ms
  gvarset(8103,45); // Pause time is 45ms (Period is 5+45=50ms)
  gvarset(8100,1);  //Start Timer0

M168 is Timer0 stop

  gvarset(8100,0);  //Stop Timer0

The result is shown on a picture below

mycnc/timers.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/07 16:09 by ivan

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