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Server API

This article serves as the main reference point for all myCNC material related to the myCNC Server API.

The server API allows to control movement and machine coordinates remotely, via a series of commands.

To enable Server API functionality, first head into your Settings > Config > Network, and enable the Server Interface option, as well as set a Server Port (the server port will be used to connect to your system via the telnet command, for example telnet 4266):

A list of Server API commands is presented below for jog control, etc. To obtain a full list of commands, type ? while connected to the remote host:

A full list of commands is provided below:

Parameter Description
ProgramPlay Starts running the program
ProgramStop Stops the running program
ProgramReset Resets the program to the beginning
GetMachinePosition Returns all of the current machine position coordinates
GetWorkPosition Returns all of the current work (program) coordinates
GetFVariable Returns the value stored in a global variable (as double)
GetIVariable Returns the value stored in a global variable (as int)
GetMCC Get Motion Control Code - read machine status, returns a number (for example, 3)
GetMCPtr Get Motion Control Pointers
GetHWInputBit Returns (reads) the state of a particular input
GetHWInputs Returns (reads) the state of an input group
SetG92 Sets the current work position to the selected value (for example, SetG92 X0)
GetJobName Get the full job name and file path
GetSVariable8020 Get the full job name and file path (same as GetJobName)
GetSVariable8109 Get current job (file) size, in MB
GetSVariable8108 Get the current job (file) folder path (same as GetJobName but without the actual file name)
GetSVariable8107 Get the current job name without the folder path (name only)

Server API, Jog control

Command “SetJog” is used for Jog control through Sever API. Command syntax is “SetJog Parameter”. Parameters listed in table below:

Parameter Description
x+ start jog X+ direction
x- start jog X- direction
y+ start jog Y+ direction
y- start jog Y- direction
z+ start jog Z+ direction
z- start jog Z- direction
a+ start jog A+ direction
a- start jog A- direction
b+ start jog B+ direction
b- start jog B- direction
c+ start jog C+ direction
c- start jog C- direction
x+y+ start jog in 2 axes X+,Y+ directions
x-y- start jog in 2 axes X-,Y- directions
x+y- start jog in 2 axes X+,Y- directions
x-y+ start jog in 2 axes X-,Y+ directions
xstop stop jog in X axis
ystop stop jog in Y axis
zstop stop jog in Z axis
astop stop jog in A axis
bstop stop jog in B axis
cstop stop jog in C axis
xystop stop jog in X, Y axes

Server API, Pendant control emulation

Server API has a command to simplify Pendant control emulation. This command can be used for writing third-party Pendant control device drivers.


Command: SetPendant Format: SetPendant Parameter1;Parameter2

  • Parameter1 - Emulated Hand wheel position. It's supposed the handwheel has resolution of “100”, such that the position range can be (0…99)
  • Parameter2 - 16-bit value, high byte is Step selector, low byte is Axis selector.
  • Step selector values can be set through the following format:
    • 0 → “x0.001” (1 wheel step = 0.001 unit)
    • 1 → “x0.01” (1 wheel step = 0.01 unit)
    • 2 → “x0.1” (1 wheel step = 0.1 unit)
    • 3 → “x1” (1 wheel step = 1 unit)
  • Axis selector values:
    • 0 → “OFF”
    • 1 → “X”
    • 2 → “Y”
    • 3 → “Z”
    • 4 → “A”
    • 5 → “B”
    • 6 → “C”
Example Description
SetPendant 50;0x0300 Axis=OFF, Mul=1, Wheel=50 - initial position
SetPendant 50;0x0301 Axis=X, Mul=1, Wheel=50 - Turn ON X axis
SetPendant 55;0x0301 Axis=X, Mul=1, Wheel=55 - Rotate wheel +5 “clicks”, will move X +5*1.0=5.0 mm
SetPendant 55;0x0302 Axis=Y, Mul=0.01, Wheel=55 - Switch to Y axis
SetPendant 65;0x0302 Axis=Y, Mul=0.01, Wheel=65 - Rotate wheel +10 “clicks”, will move Y +10*0.01=+0.1 mm
SetPendant 65;0x0302 Axis=Z, Mul=0.1, Wheel=65 - Switch to Z axis
SetPendant 50;0x0302 Axis=Z, Mul=0.1, Wheel=50 - Rotate wheel -15 “clicks”, will move Z -15*0.1=-1.5 mm

Hardware outputs (binary, DAC, PWM) manipulation thourgh Server API

There are 3 ways to manipulate myCNC control board Hardware outputs through Server API:

1) Direct manipulation through commands “SetHWBinaryOutput”, “SetHWDAC”, “SetHWPWM” 2) Manipulation through running PLC procedure with Hardware Outputs manipulation. 3) Manipulation though running short G/M-codes program

Direct Manipulation

Set HW Binary Output

Command: SetHWBinaryOutput

Syntax: SetHWBinaryOutput <Port number> <Port value>

Port Number is number binary port. Its range is 0 to 159. Set Port value to “1” to turn ON binary output (relay, open collector), “0” to turn OFF the binary output.

Example Description
SetHWBinaryOutput 0 1 Turn ON binary output #0
SetHWBinaryOutput 1 1 Turn ON binary output #1
SetHWBinaryOutput 23 1 Turn ON binary output #23
SetHWBinaryOutput 0 0 Turn OFF binary output #0
SetHWBinaryOutput 1 0 Turn OFF binary output #1
SetHWBinaryOutput 19 0 Turn OFF binary output #19

Command: SetHWPWM

Syntax: SetHWPWM <PWM channel> <PWM value>

PWM channel is the number of the PWM pin. Software range is 0 to 3, however the number of PWM channels depends on the myCNC Ethernet controller model. Controllers ET1, ET3, ET5 each contain 3 PWM pins.

Example Description
SetHWPWM 0 2000 Set value “2000” to PWM#0 (PWM1). Max PWM value is 4095
SetHWPWM 0 0 Set value “0” to PWM#0 (PWM1). Max PWM value is 4095
SetHWPWM 2 3500 Set value “3500” to PWM#2 (PWM3). Max PWM value is 4095
SetHWPWM 1 4095 Set value “4095” (Maximum) to PWM#1 (PWM2). Max PWM value is 4095

Command: SetHWDAC

Syntax: SetHWDAC <DAC channel> <DAC value>

DAC channel is number of the DAC pin. Software range is 0 to 1, however real number of DAC channels depends on myCNC Ethernet controller model. Controllers ET1 and ET3 each contain 1 DAC pins, while the ET5 controller contains 6 DAC pins.

Example Description
SetHWDAC 0 1000 Assign value “1000” to DAC#0 (DAC1). Max DAC value is 4095
SetHWDAC 0 0 Assign value “0” to DAC#0 (DC1). Max DAC value is 4095
SetHWDAC 1 4095 Assign value “4095” (Maximum) to DAC#1 (DAC2)

Manipulation through PLC procedure

Server API command “RunPLC” loads and runs PLC procedure on the controller end with a given parameter. We can run a PLC procedure that manipulates Hardware outputs to get a similar result. Normally, every profile configuration contains PLC procedures for Hardware outputs manipulation:


PLC procedure: M62 Syntax: M62 <Parameter> M62 allows the user to turn ON a binary output pin with a given number (Parameter=Port number)

Example Description
M62 1 Turn ON binary output #1
M62 0 Turn ON binary output #0
M62 15 Turn ON binary output #15

PLC Procedure: M63 Syntax: M63 <Parameter>

M63 allows the user to turn OFF a binary output pin with a given number (Parameter=Port number)

Example Description
M63 1 Turn OFF binary output #1
M63 0 Turn OFF binary output #0
M63 15 Turn OFF binary output #15

Syntax: DAC <Parameter>

The low 12 bits (11…0) contain the value of DAC to be written, high bits (14..12) contain the DAC channel.

Example Description
DAC 0 Set value “0” to DAC#0 (DAC1). Max DAC value is 4095
DAC 0x0600 Set value “0x600” (1536) to DAC#0 (DAC1). Max DAC value is 4095
DAC 0x1400 Set value “0x400” (1024) to DAC#1 (DAC2). Max DAC value is 4095
DAC 0x1000 Set value “0” to DAC#1 (DAC2). Max DAC value is 4095

Syntax: PWM <Parameter>

The low 12 bits (11…0) contain the value of PWM to be written, high bits (14..12) contain the PWM channel number.

Example Description
PWM 0 Set value “0” to PWM#0 (PWM1). Max DAC value is 4095
PWM 0x0600 Set value “0x600” (1536) to PWM#0 (PWM1). Max PWM value is 4095
PWM 0x1400 Set value “0x400” (1024) to PWM#1 (PWM2). Max PWM value is 4095
PWM 0x2000 Set value “0” to PWM#2 (PWM3). Max PWM value is 4095

Examples of running these PLC procedures through the Server API are shown table below:

Binary input manipulation
Example Description
RunPLC M62 1 Turn ON output#1
RunPLC M62 0 Turn ON output#0
RunPLC M63 3 Turn OFF output#3
RunPLC M63 5 Turn OFF output#5
PWM control
Example Description
RunPLC PWM 0x1350 Write to PWM#1 (PWM2) a value of 0x350
RunPLC PWM 0x250 Write to PWM#0 (PWM1) value 0x250
RunPLC PWM 0x2800 Write to PWM#2 (PWM3) value 0x800
RunPLC PWM 0x0 Write to PWM#0 (PWM1) value 0
RunPLC PWM 0x1000 Write to PWM#1 (PWM2) value 0
RunPLC PWM 0x2000 Write to PWM#2 (PWM3) value 0
Example Description
RunPLC DAC 0x1570 Write to DAC#1 (DAC2) value 0x570
RunPLC DAC 0x800 Write to DAC#0 (DAC1) value 0x800
RunPLC DAC 0x0 Write to DAC#0 (DAC1) value 0
RunPLC DAC 0x1000 Write to DAC#1 (DAC2) value 0

Manipulation through running G-codes

Server API command “SinglePlay” will run a G-code line (or a number of G-code lines separated by the “;” symbol). It's possible to control binary outputs by running M-functions “M62” and “M63” (similar to the method described above). P-parameter sets the binary output number to control.

M-code: M62 Syntax: M62 P<number>

This will turn ON the binary output pin with the given number.

Example Description
M62 P1 Turn ON binary output #1
M62 P0 Turn ON binary output #0
M62 P15 Turn ON binary output #15

Syntax: M63 P<number>

This will turn OFF the binary output pin with the given number.

Example Description
M63 P1 Turn OFF binary output #1
M63 P0 Turn OFF binary output #0
M63 P15 Turn OFF binary output #15

Any custom PLC function can be written and assigned to M-code, then loaded through the CNC Server API.

Demo Videos

The following videos show examples of using the server API to control a myCNC system (older versions of the software are used, however the principle is the same):

ProgramFileOpen and SetScale:

Hardware Binary Outputs:

Set Scale and Rotation Angle:

mycnc/server_api.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/07 15:33 by ivan

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