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MyCNC Configuration Dialogs



The main axes-motors parameters can be configured in the settings by going to CNC Settings > Axes/Motors

  • Enabled. Each of the motors for axes X,Y,Z,A,B,C,U,W,V can be enabled or disabled. If any axis is disabled the software ignores All coordinates for this axis and does not send any motion to this axis. It is convenient to disable the axes you don't use on your particular machine.
  • Pulses per unit. This parameter sets the number of pulses which the controller sends to the motor drivers to move by 1 unit distance (the unit depends on CNC configuration and can be either “mm” or “inch”). The full instructions on pulses per unit setup can be found on the QuickStart page here.
  • Max Speed - CNC control will limit machine speed for each axis by this value. Note that the Max Speed does not count the override % value. Be careful if you use override values more than 100%
  • Backlash - Backlash value in units (mm/inch) for each axis (different for each machine depending on the hardware specifications)
  • Axes Mapping - Toolpath planner uses this setting for tool motion speed calculation. Possible settings are-
    • “X”, “Y”, “Z”, “U”, “V”, “W” - linear axes X, Y, Z, U, V, W
    • “A1”, “B1”, “C1” - rotation around axes X, Y, Z. Tooltip makes a circle-like motion on a material surface while the A/B/C axis is turning (a rotary table, 4th rotary axis, etc).
    • “A2”, “B2”, “C2” - tilt around axes X,Y,Z. Tooltip position is not changed while the A/B/C axis is turning. Only the tool orientation is changed (a rotating tangential knife, a 3D plasma bevel head, etc).
    • “Linear axis” - additional linear axis (any linear axis the behaviour of which cannot be described as an X/Y/Z/U/V/W axis)
    • “Rotary axis” - additional rotary axis (any rotary axis the behaviour of which cannot be described as an A/B/C axis)
  • Speed profile - additional settings to optimize Speed profile for rotary axes
    • “Constant surface speed” - Tooltip is moving on the surface of turning material. Turning speed is calculated depending on the given F-feedrate and the tooltip cutting speed on the surface (It's supposed that a tooltip is moving in an arc motion with radius depending on current XYZ position).
    • “Slave Of XYZ” - Current speed calculated for X,Y,Z axes depending on a given F-feed rate. Turning speeds for rotary axes are adjusted to get synchronous motion.
    • “Spherical correction” - Settings for 3D bevel cutting head and RTCP kinematic correction.
  • Attach to axis. Any of 6/8 motor output can be attached to any axis. Here you can select what axis is used for every motor output.
  • Inversion - Mark the checkbox if you need to change the rotation direction for any axis.
For Dual axis configuration just attach one axis simultaneously 
to two (or more) motor outputs. For example, in the picture above,
Motor outputs #0 and #1 are used for X-axis. Inversion is selected 
for Output #1, so both motors connected to Output#0 and Output#1 
will be rotated simultaneously, but in the opposite direction




myCNC software supports a number of Alarm input.

Any of myCNC controller binary input can be programmed as Alarm input. Alarm inputs setup is available in Alarms configuration dialog. In the dialog -

  • Each Alarm can be enabled or disabled
  • Any binary input can be assigned as selected Alarm
  • Input type Normally opened or Normally closed can be selected to the alarm.

MyCNC software has different Handlers for Alarm.

Emergency Button

If Emergency button Alarm is triggered, the myCNC software stops running any Motion program or Jogging and Run PLC Handler for Emergency alarm - “EST.plc” PLC procedure. “Emergency button pressed. Program stopped!” message will be shown in the messages list

A user can define any behaviour for Emergency Stop event like -

  • Power off servo-drivers
  • Power off Spindle/Plasma power source
  • Switch Off coolant, mist, air
  • etc.

PLC procedure “EST.plc” is available in PLC Builder/Hardware PLC

If Emergency button activated, all further Job running, or jogging will be locked. “Emergency button pressed.” message will be shown on the main screen

Example of Emergency button configuration is shown in a picture below

  • Emergency button is enabled
  • Binary input #53 is used as an Emergency key
  • Emergency button is Normally closed, an Emergency event will be activated if the button is open


A more flexible alarm system, currently under development. This setting is recommended for users with unconventional cutting setups (such as complex plasma cutting machines with multiple sensors).

X-alarms allow to select the Input Number, the Type of input (normally open or closed), the process that the alarm triggering will be blocking (jog, job, PLC, or a combination of the three), as well as the Hardware/Software PLC Handlers which are summoned whenever the alarm is triggered. Due to being able to create unique PLC procedures, this alarm system can be customized to a much higher degree than the current alarm system which mostly deals with simple usercases.

As the system is currently under development, not all features are yet present or behave correctly. Stay tuned for further updates.


To configure the software limits:

  • Check the “Soft Limits Enabled” checkbox
  • Set ON the checkboxes for each axis you'd like to enable limits for
  • Set the Minimum and Maximum range for each axis
  • Press the “Save” button to save the settings

It is also possible to reduce the jog speed near the limits to prevent an abrupt stop when the limit is reached by the machine. If the operator moves the machine towards the software limit, the jog speed will be reduced beginning at a set distance from limit to a given value (in % of normal jog speed). To enable this option:

  • Set “Jog slow down” checkbox
  • For each axis, indicate:
    • “Slow down distance” - the distance from the software limit when jog speed will begin to slow down
    • “Slow down value, %” - Slow Jog speed (in % of normal jog speed)
  • Press “Save” button to save the settings

For example:

Slow distance = 50, Slow value= 20%

If the operator moves the machine towards the software limit and distance to the limit is less than 50mm, jog speed will be 5 times less than the normal jog speed (20%)

Slow distance = 10, Slow value= 100%

No reduction in speed (because the slow jog value is 100% of the regular jog speed)

Besides having general software limits, hardware limits can also be configured in myCNC software. This is done by using a switch for the negative and positive direction of each axis which can be reserved within the myCNC software. Any switch can be enabled, and then assigned to any of CNC control board binary input and configured as “Normally Open” or “Normally Closed”. To enable the hardware limits for any selected axis:

  • Choose the axis (X, Y, Z, A, B, C) and side (positive or negative) and set the respective checkbox to ON
  • Set the input number for any of the switches connected
  • Choose the sensor type to either be Normally Closed or Normally Open to specify the default behaviour of the switch
  • Press the “Save” button to save your settings


MPG through binary inputs

Jog through ADC inputs

This function is useful to set up a joystick in order to regulate the speed at which the machine's working tool moves through analog means, allowing for more granular controls.

In order to do so, go to CNC Settings > Config > Inputs/Outputs/Sensors > Jog through ADC inputs. The following screen will be presented to you:

On this screen, we can set up the joystick inputs to adhere to the physical configuration and specifications of the joystick.

After connecting the joystick to the ADC ports of the controller, we can open the System Diagnostics window to check the actual ADC inputs.

While on the system diagnostics screen, move the joystick around to check which axis corresponds to which ADC input channel. In this example, ADC2 corresponds to the y-axis, while ADC3 corresponds to the x-axis movements of the joystick. These values are inputted back on the Settings screen:

NOTE: If the axes for the joystick need to be inverted for any reason, this can be done in Settings > Config > Hardware > Common Hardware Settings

By moving the joystick the furthest it can go in all directions and noting the maximum and the minimum values, those can be set as the Max and Min range in settings. In this example, the joystick Min Range is equal to roughly 430 for both the x- and y-axis inputs, and is around 3820 for the Max Range of the x-axis and 3830 for the Max Range of the y-axis:

The Dead Zone is set to be from 2100 to 2150 for the joystick used in this example, as this is taken to be the zero position by letting the joystick return to its center. This value has a range so that small accidental movements of the joystick do not trigger the movement of the machine:

As this joystick does not drop to zero for its minimum range of inputs, it allows us to set up a failsafe in case the joystick is accidentally unplugged. In order to do so, both checkmarks for the Ignore Zero and the Ignore Max have been switched to green, and the Min Alarm and Max Alarm have been set to be slightly outside the Min and Max Ranges (however, the Min Alarm is ALWAYS set to be above zero in this case):

NOTE: Not all joystick controllers allow to set the failsafe Min Alarm properly.
Please consult your joystick manual to find out if the input values do not drop to zero
so that the failsafe can be set up correctly.

The full settings window then looks as follows:

I/O Expand cards mapping

ADC mapping



The Network tab is designed to help the user set up the connection with the controller. Upon opening the tab, you are presented with the following window:

  • UDP is recommended as the network protocol, as TCP/IP is not used on the more recent myCNC controllers, and the Simulator mode is only able to perform simple tasks such as loading the program
  • Controller IP Address specifies the IP address that the myCNC software will use to connect to the controller. Note that this address must be unique and different from your computer address for the connection setup to succeed.
  • Server Interface and Server Port are used when it is necessary to connect to the program remotely. These can be disabled if there is no need for a remote connection.
  • The UPD message period specifies the amount of time between each consecutive message sent to the controller. This is set to be 30 ms on Linux and 100 ms on Windows machines (which can be loaded using the “Load Default MS Windows Settings” button).
  • The message/packets counters allow for quick diagnostics when using myCNC software. These indicate the number of messages sent, messages resent, as well as incoming and outgoing packets lost. Note that single digit packet loss is normal when first turning the controller/software on and as the connection is being set up since the message number that the controller expects will differ from the once sent from the myCNC software after restart. However, it is recommended to watch the packet loss number over some working time period (half-hour to an hour) to see if there is a constant packet loss occurring after the software setup has been completed. If continuous packet loss occurs, it indicates problems in the connection between the host computer running myCNC software and the controller.

  • The Skip Burn ROMFS toggle allows to skip writing PLC onto the controller every time a new session is started. This can allow to reduce the start up time of the myCNC controller if no changes to PLC are planned to be introduced.
  • Accept Command Buffer Lags toggles the acceptance of lagging commands that are sent to the controller despite the delay indicated in the command buffer window below. This is usually done when the number of commands per second is very large (in the hundreds/thousands), and can lead to unexpected jerks of the machine due to sudden speed changes. This setting is recommended to be used in an experimental fashion.
  • Job started Timeout specifies the time (in messages sent) between the signal for job start and the maximum allowable point at which the controller has to send a signal back to the host computer to confirm that the job has indeed started. This is set to be 15 by default - setting it much lower will result in the controller not having enough time to send a response signal to the computer, while setting it much higher might result in the computer taking much longer to process each individual user command.
  • Master polling profile specifies the network connection behaviour in MS Windows setups. This is set to the GetTickCount() option, and should not be changed unless required.
  • Load Default Settings buttons allow the user to load the default network configuration for MS Windows and Linux machines in one click. The only difference between the MS Windows and Linux configurations is in UDP Messages Period field, with 100 and 30 ms respectively.


Upon opening the Motion tab in Settings, you are presented with the following window:


The following settings can be edited in the Motion tab:

  • CV Tolerance signifies the amount of “smoothing” on corners that is allowed at maximum, and is done in order to make the program go through corners faster instead of stopping at every sharp corner. As seen in the image below, the tolerance describes the distance from the “ideal” corner to the actual tip of the corner that the machine will produce.

  • S-curve smooth filtering specifies the time the controller gives the machine to adjust its acceleration during sharp turns. A larger value allows for a larger impulse time, resulting in reduced stress and shocks to the machine hardware. 41ms is recommended.
  • Look Ahead Break Angle - if the angle is larger than this, the machine will stop at corner completely in order to allow for a sharper cut. An example of such a cut is shown in the image below:

  • 2D Cutting is used on plasma/gas machines which lack a configurable z-axis. This option is turned OFF by default.
  • Step-jog count specifies whether the user wants the machine to monitor the inputs sent to it as it is already moving or not. If selected, the machine will count however many signals are sent to it even if it is moving already, if not selected then the machine will ignore other signals until it has completed its initial movement.
  • Sync G0 & (G1, G2, G3) Overspeed allows the user to sync the rapid and cutting speeds, allowing the user to use one set of buttons (shown in the screenshot below) to change them at the same time.


  • Creep Speed specifies the speed of the machine after it begins to cut into the working material. It is advisable to set it to be lower than the actual working speed for a small portion of time at the start of the cut. This time is specified in seconds.
  • Jog, G0 and G1, G2, G3 Overspeeds signify the value by which the speed is higher/lower than the one specified by the running program. This is useful so as to be able to change the speeds on the fly. The max and min values specify the speed boundaries, so if a certain boundary needs to be imposed, the operator cannot accidentally go over or under the max/min speed limits by using the sliders on the main screen. The step meanwhile indicates the increments by which the speed values change when the operator clicks the main screen sliders.
  • Speed/Acceleration table allows the user to edit the values for Feed/Rapid/Jog speeds and accelerations of different axes, as well as the speed/acceleration limits on these axes. Note that the axes can be coupled, with settings for the xy-axes being changed together in the setup shown in this example.


Hardware PLC

This list presents the available hardware PLC macros, with the ability to add, delete and edit the individual macros as required.

Hardware PLC Templates

This list presents the available templates that are commonly used in some CNC setups, including macros such as Emergency Stop Handler, the CNC Vision camera macros, etc. This page allows the user to load the commonly used macros into the myCNC Hardware PLC list even if the original macros have been changed/removed.

Hardware PLC: XML configs

XML configs list currently consists of the plc-config.xml file which serves to connect the macros and the screen elements for these macros by assigning and storing proper variable names. This file should not be edited unless strictly necessary.

PLC Configuration

The PLC configuration window allows the user to switch to an old-style precompiled ROMFS PLC disk if necessary instead of the more recent Internal PLC Builder setup.

Software PLC

The Software PLC list consists of the PLC macros such as the Oil Change Counter and the Popup Handler which are done on the software side, rather than the hardware side.

G-codes settings

The G-code settings allow the user to fine-tune the preferences for g-code operations.

  • Default distance mode can be switched between G90 (absolute) and G91 (incremental) modes to be used as default when loading the program
  • Default Arc Center Programming can be G91.1 (incremental center) or G90.1 (absolute center)
  • Feed rate units can be switched between units per minute and units per second
  • Linear and angular units are set to be in mm/inches and degrees/radians/gradians respectively (usually set to be in mm/degrees)
  • G4 P Value is the pause value given to be in seconds/milliseconds
  • G18/G19 ignore toggle indicates whether to ignore YZ and ZX planes while drawing and only use the XY plane
  • Command G59 is set to switch the coordinate system to Coordinate System #6 by default. However, if Hypertherm systems are used, Command G59 can be switched to comply with the Hypertherm command style.
  • Similarly, Command M50 can be assigned to THC OFF, Feed Override Control or Hypertherm style of commands.
  • Tool Change toggles whether the user can set up the tool change from the main screen of myCNC software. Turn ON to enable tool switching.
  • Accept single S-code allows the machine to accept single commands for spindle speed changes on the fly. Not applicable to every configuration.
  • G18/G19 Switch re-orients the arcs from clockwise to counterclockwise rotation when drawing. Depending on the CAM software used, different configurations of this setting are required.
    • For example, in this particular program, G19 Switch is ON, G18 Switch is OFF. As can be seen, the arcs are not drawn correctly:

  • Having turned the G19 Switch OFF and the G18 Switch ON, the arcs are now drawn properly:

  • G76 Thread Pitch can be specified to be set in the default units (defines as Linear Units earlier) or as mm/inches depending on the operator's needs.
  • G96 CS speed is the constant speed setting which can be set to be in meters or feet per minute.
  • In certain older CAM software packages, the start/end points of a circle do not coincide correctly, leaving a small gap inbetween the two points which should be directly superimposed. It is possible to disregard very small distance that would be otherwise present between these two points and assume that they are, in fact, the same point using the “G2/G3 is a circle setting”. This distance should be set to be small as to not create false positives of two points being otherwise not connected by an arc.
  • CAM code, as well as the Vision system, Flycut and Conveyor licenses are also specified on the G-code page.

DXF import settings

The DXF import settings window looks as follows:

  • The window at the top corresponds to the one seen by the user upon importing the DXF file. These technology settings can thus be edited both from this Config window and the DXF import window.
  • Below it is the list with all the DXF layer names imported into myCNC. This allows the user to set default tools/priorities to the layer names used in the DXF file if the user so desires. This makes importing a large number of files easier if every layer name has already been standardizes in the illustration software used.
  • The DXF Header and DXF footer allow the user to insert macros in the beginning and at the end of the entire DXF file, as opposed to the headers and footers for each particular technology on the Import screen which are only used for one particular tool.
  • It is possible to Hide DXF Settings tabs in DXF Import if the user so desires by using the dedicated toggle. This will keep the DXF Settings tabs on this config page, but will remove it on the import screen
  • DXF Scale and DXF Offset are direct copies of the settings on the Import screen and can be edited in either location
  • Ellipses interpolation can be set to be by Lines or Arcs, depending on the usercase.
  • Ellipse segments specify the number of segments into which the ellipses will be split
  • DXF toolpath optimization toggle allows the myCNC software to optimize cut time by choosing the closest next cut as the program is running. This setting is usually left ON, however in case that the file you are importing already has a specified toolpath it can be toggled OFF.
  • Contour direction is useful on mill/plasma machines which care about the clockwise/counter-clockwise direction with which the tool is cutting the material. It can be set to Original, CW, or CCW.
  • Spline segments specifies the number of segments the splines are split into in order to create their linear approximation within the software.
  • Each particular technology can be toggled on/off depending on whether the user wants to see each particular tab on the Import screen.

Macro List

Macro Wizard

Homing X, Y, Z...

Gantry Alignment

Back to Path

Surface Measure

Tool Length Measure

Tool Change

Probing Wizard

Probing Config

Probing Macro Wizard

Preferences Tab




  • Character Encoding - myCNC software uses Unicode Text encoding system. If input g-code files contain symbols encoded in other Encoding system, this system should be set in Character Encoding. combobox to show local symbols correctly in myCNC software
  • NC code folders - In File Open Dialog and DXF Import Dialog, the myCNC software will search for nc-files in folders provided in this field. For example, if the NC code folders are set as “~/DNC” and “/media”, then only these folders will be available to open g-codes or dxf files.
  • NC code network folders specify the network folders that the myCNC software will access to look for nc-files. The folder that myCNC will access will also be mirrored to one specified in the next field, Network Mirror Folder, to prevent issues in case of a poor network connection.
  • Lib storage folder specifies the folder in which the library parts are stored on the computer.
  • NC code filename extensions list the possible extensions that the software will allow the user to open. If an extension is not on the list, it can be added provided it can be read by the myCNC software.
  • G04 cycle time marks the internal controller setting for time marking in order to properly synchronize the controller and the computer.
  • The Disable keyboard Events setting allows to completely disable keyboard inputs, leaving only the touchscreen.
  • The basic machine profile can be specified to be Mill/Router, Lathe, Cutting Table, or 3D Cutting Table, depending on the user's needs
  • The Forced Homing at Start and the Forced Emergency Homing settings are used only in older versions of the software and will be deprecated in the upcoming myCNC software versions. The functions of these settings have been replaced by the HOMING_HANDLER from Software PLC.
  • Reload nc-file if NC-RESET pressed toggles whether the full file is reloaded upon pressing the Return to Top button on the main software screen. The toggle is left ON by default.
  • Reset tool number setting allows the user to reset the tool number after the controller has been turned off and on again. This is an experimental feature for only certain setups, and is not recommended by default.
  • Block all jogging if any servodriver is faulty allows the machine to stop all movement if any of the motors indicates issues. Not recommended by default, since the user might still need to lift the part up using the z-axis motor even if both the x- and the y-axes motors fail.
  • Read program first block size sets the size of the block of code that the computer will read at a time. This setting is not edited on most recent machines, and is kept at around 2000. If using an older host computer, this block size can be reduced.
  • Forced tool radius compensation - by default, the computer checks the first block of code with the size specified in the field above, and then tries to locate tool radius compensation commands in that first block of code. If it has not located tool radius compensation, the computer will assume that the entire program is free of tool radius compensation, and will proceed without account for it, saving time. If, however, the user is aware that there is tool compensation at some point in the program that is further than the first code block size, the toggle for Forced Tool Radius Compensation can be turned ON. This will force the machine to account for tool radius compensation, however this will also significantly slow down the cutting process.
  • Stop Step Jog if button released toggles the behaviour of the buttons which control the step jog. With the toggle OFF, every press will make the machine move, while with the toggle ON, the user will have to keep pressing the button until the movement has completed for additional safety.
  • SSD Write Optimization toggle controls the program utilizing cache instead of writing to disk. This is turned ON by default.
  • KSpingBox settings specify the behaviour of the control buttons on the main software screen. These settings are usually left to be at their default values unless changes are necessary.



Consult the QuickStart Start/Stop Setup for a full overview of the Start/Stop features.


3D Visualisation


XML configuration


Macro List

Macro Wizard

Probing wizard

Probing config

Probing macro wizard



Plasma Cutting

Plasma settings

Hypertherm communication

Hypertherm diagnostics






  1. Spindle Speed, [rpm] - A minimum, maximum range of Spindle, a step value (current spindle speed will be increased/decreased by this value while pressing on-screen SpinBox Default Spindle Speed)

    Maximum spindle speed value is used to adjust 0-10V analogue DAC output as well.
  2. Spindle Overspeed, [%] - A minimum, maximum range of Spindle Overspeed, a step value (current spindle overspeed will be increased/decreased by this value while pressing optional on-screen SpinBox Spindle Overspeed). Both “Default Spindle Speed” and “Spindle Overspeed” can be used to adjust spindle speed on-the-fly, but there is a difference between parameters
    • Default Spindle Speed will be overwritten while running next M3 Sxxxx or Sxxxx code. For instance, you change spindle speed to 12000rpm, then M3 S8000 comes from G-code, spindle speed will be changed to 8000rpm
    • If you change Spindle Overspeed, [%] value, it will be applied for next Sxxxx code as well. For instance, current spindle speed is 5000rpm, you set “Spindle overspeed” to 120%, spindle speed increased up to 6000rpm (5000rpm*120%/100%). Then M3S8000 code comes from G-code program, spindle speed raised up to 9600rpm (8000rpm*120%/100%)
  3. Encoder channel. If feedback encoder is installed on the Spindle for threading, it might be configured in this position. Control boards ET5, ET10 have 6 encoder inputs (with hardware decoder), ET7 has 3 encoder inputs (hardware decoding as well). Encoder channel # should be configured here.
  4. Encoder pulsed per revolution. If Spindle Encoder feedback is used, the number of encoder pulses per spindle revolution should be set up here.
  5. Voltage offset, units - see below
  6. Voltage ratio, units - these two parameters are used to adjust DAC output voltage.

    These parameters are active in case RS485/Modbus Communication is disabled

    There is 12bit register is used for the DAC output. In theory, while writing values from 0 to 4095, the DAC output voltage is changed from 0 to 10V. A real maximum DAC voltage depends on the control board can be 11-12V. However, most of Spindle frequency inverters use 0-10V, there are many models on the market that use different voltage range for spindle speed control like 0-5V, 1-6V, 0-6V.

    If spindle speed changed (PLC procedures M03, M04, SPN) the control software sends the to PLC procedures spindle speed value in eparam variable. The value is adjusted by the software by using the parameters offset and ratio. Eparam variable value can be calculated as

    eparam = Offset + 4095*(Spindle Speed)*Ratio/(Max Spindle Speed)
    • If you don't need any adjustment, set Offset to “0” and Ratio to “1”.
    • If you use spindle inverter with 0-5V range for instance, then you might need to set the Ratio to “0.5”
    • For spindle range 1-6V you might need to set the Offset as well. Minimum voltage is “1V”, then Offset should be about 10% (1V of 10V) of 12bit range (4095), the Offset value is about “410”.
      It's better to tune Offset and Ratio values by experiments with real VFD unit connected.
  7. RS485/Modbus communication. The checkbox enables communication with VFD through RS485/Modbus instead of analogue control.
  8. Spindle ratio (Modbus). If Modbus is enabled, the myCNC control software sends to PLC procedure variable eparam RAW spindle speed value (in rpm) multiplied by Spindle ratio (Modbus) parameter value.
    • For instance, if Spindle speed is 10000rpm and Speed ratio (modus) is “1”, then eparam value will be “10000” (exact spindle speed).
    • If the ratio variable is not enough to adjust Spindle speed register according to VFD type requirements, this can vbe made in PLC source.
  9. RS485 speed - RS485 communication baudrate selector
  10. Connection - RS485 connection configuration
    • 8 or 7 bits
    • No Parity, Odd or Even Parity
    • 1 or 2 stop bits
  11. Inverter Address - up to 4 VFD can be connected through Modbus to arrange 4-spindle automatical polling. It needs to select the checkbox and set up Modbus ID for each VFD to enable VFD automatical polling
  12. Write Registers. For automatical Modbus polling registers, there are usually 2 control registers fo VFD.
    • Frequency (SPidnel Speed) is changed by writing to “WR/Frequency” register
    • Spindle control ON/OFF by writing some value to “WR/Operate” register.
      Register addresses should be set up in these parameters
  13. Read Registers. VFD might have some status/diagnostic registers to read. The values may contain useful information like current power, current speed, temperature, errors, current status etc. You may select some register to automatical reading and show the value in this window.

  14. “Write registers” and “Read registers” are different for different VFD manufacturers. We have pre-defined register addresses for the VFD inverters we tested. To set up register addresses just press the button with VFD type.


Multi Head

3D Printer




Multi-devices/PID Config


Laser control

Circular Saw

Tangential Knife

Modbus Servo

Exhaust/Extraction control



The camera module allows for automatic working path adjustments using pre-calibrated reference markers.

For a full overview of camera features and its setup process, please consult the CNC Vision QuickStart guide.

5 axes RTCP


Wireless Pendant/XHC

Operator Panel

  1. Enable - Enable Operator Panel through Serial Port (UART) communication
  2. Serial Port - choose serial port Operator Panel connected
  3. Serial Speed - choose UART speed communication
  4. Serial Debug - Enable debug information while communication with operator panel.
    ET7 Operator panel board id connected by default and does not use Serial communication settings above
  5. Key configuration settings
    1. Key Number Key ID
    2. Pressed - select checkbox to define Handler for Press event
    3. Release - select checkbox to define Handler for Release event (2 Handlers will be displayed if both Press and Release checkbox selected)
    4. Shift - select checkbox if Shift button should be pressed with the button to activate Handler
    5. Slot - Combobox with the Handler name
    6. Parameters - Optional parameters line for the Handler

Panel/Pendand/Hardkeys/Hotkeys Handler List

Handler name Description
CNC Action Custom defined action
CNC Variable: Switch Switch Global gariable value betweek given list of values. Parameters contain variable Number, “/“ separator, values list separated by ”;”.
CNC Variable: Switch Parameters: 5522/0.001;0.01;0.1;1.0;10
CNC Variable: Toggle Toggle Global gariable value. Parameter contains variable Number.
CNC Variable: Toggle Parameters: 5522
CNC Variable: Change Add to Global gariable value given “delta”. Parameter contains variable Number and Delta value separated by symbol “/“.
CNC Variable: Change Parameters: 5522/-0.2
CNC Variable: Change Parameters: 5522/0.01
CNC Variable: Clear Clear Global gariable value (=0). Parameter contains variable Number.
CNC Variable: Clear Parameters: 5522
CNC Variable: Set Set to “1” Global gariable value (=1). Parameter contains variable Number.
CNC Variable: Set Parameters: 5522
CNC Variable: Assign Assign Global gariable to given value. Parameter contains variable Number and the value separated by symbol ”/“.
CNC Variable: Assign Parameters: 5522/0.01
CNC Variable: Assign Parameters: 5522/0.1
CNC Variable: Assign Parameters: 5522/1.0
File: Open Show “File Open” dialog
File: Open DXF/HPGL Show “DXF/HPGL File Open” dialog
File: Refresh Reload current g-code file
Hardware: Direct Binary Set Set given output pin (write “1”). Parameter contains Pin Number.
Hardware: Direct Binary Set Parameters: 15
Hardware: Direct Binary Clear Clear given output pin (write “0”). Parameter contains Pin Number.
Hardware: Direct Binary Clear Parameters: 15
Hardware: Direct DAC Set Write to DAC register given value. Parameters contain DAC Channel# and the value separated by symbol ”/“.
Hardware: Direct DAC Set Parameters: 0/2048
Hardware: Direct PWM Set Write to PWM register given value. Parameters contain PWM Channel# and the value separated by symbol ”/“.
Hardware: Direct PWM Set Parameters: 2/1024
Hide: Custom widget by name
Job: Play 1 line
Job: Play 1 line backward
Job: Run G-code
Job: Run G-code with Confirmation
Job: Start running
Job: Start Cutting from Edge
Job: Start running backward
Job: Stop running
Job: Reset current pointer
Job: Back To Path
Job: Skip Forward
Job: Skip Backward
Job: Skip Forward 10
Job: Skip Backward 10
Jog: X-
Jog: X+
Jog: Stop X
Jog: X- Y-
Jog: X- Y+
Jog: X+ Y-
Jog: X+ Y+
Jog: All Stop
Jog: Y-
Jog: Y+
Jog: Stop Y
Jog: Z-
Jog: Z+
Jog: Stop Z
Jog: A-
Jog: A+
Jog: Stop A
Jog: B-
Jog: B+
Jog: Stop B
Jog: C-
Jog: C+
Jog: Stop C
Jog: X- && Key:
Jog: X+ && Key:
Jog: Y- && Key:
Jog: Y+ && Key:
Jog: Z- && Key:
Jog: Z+ && Key:
Jog: A- && Key:
Jog: A+ && Key:
Jog: B- && Key:
Jog: B+ && Key:
Jog: C- && Key:
Jog: C+ && Key:
Jog: Stop X
Jog: Stop Y
Jog: Stop Z
Jog: Stop A
Jog: Stop B
Jog: Stop C
Jog: Shift Set
Jog: Shift Clear
Jog: Shift Toggle
Jog: Ctrl Set
Jog: Ctrl Clear
Jog: Ctrl Toggle
Jog Speed Override: inc
Jog Speed Override: dec
Key Press:
Key Release:
(Dlg)Key Press: Shift
(Dlg)Key Release: Shift
(Dlg)Key Press: Up
(Dlg)Key Press: Down
(Dlg)Key Press: Left
(Dlg)Key Press: Right
(Dlg)Key Press: Escape
(Dlg)Key Press: Enter
(Dlg)Key Press: Dot
(Dlg)Key Press: Delete
(Dlg)Key Press: Backspace
(Dlg)Key Press: 0
(Dlg)Key Press: 1
(Dlg)Key Press: 2
(Dlg)Key Press: 3
(Dlg)Key Press: 4
(Dlg)Key Press: 5
(Dlg)Key Press: 6
(Dlg)Key Press: 7
(Dlg)Key Press: 8
(Dlg)Key Press: 9
Move to Toolpath
Parking Position: Save
Parking Position: Move To
Pendant: Axis (*)
Pendant: Mul (*)
Pendant: Wheel CW
Pendant: Wheel CCW
Pendant: Mul increment
Pendant: Mul decrement
Pendant: Axis change+
Pendant: Axis change-
Pendant0: x0.001
Pendant0: x0.01
Pendant0: x0.1
Pendant0: x1
Pendant0: Axis Off
Pendant0: Axis X
Pendant0: Axis Y
Pendant0: Axis Z
Pendant0: Axis A
Pendant0: Axis B
Pendant0: Axis C
Pendant: Work Coordinate Half
Pendant: Work Coordinate Reset
PLC: Run procedure
PLC: Run external unit procedure
Run Numpad:
Show: Pendant control widget
Select Axis
Show: MDI widget
Show: Config widget
Show: Editor widget
Show: Work widget
Show: Library Shape widget
Show: Diagnostic widget
Show: User widget
Show: Centring widget
Show: Rotation widget
Show: Rotation tab
Show: Saw Cutting widget
Show: Log widget
Show: Report widget
Show: Support widget
Show: Custom widget by name
Speed Override: inc
Speed Override: dec
Speed Override: Set %
Spindle Speed: inc
Spindle Speed: dec
Spindle Speed: Set
Tie Toolpath position to current work position
Toggle Machine/Work DRO (if applicable)
Toggle Jog enable/disable
Toggle Jog mode unlimited/step
Toggle Soft Limits enable/disable
Toggle Flood On/Off
Toggle Spindle On/Off
Toggle Spindle CCW On/Off
Toggle Constant Velocity (CV) On/Off
Toggle Virtual Keyboard
Toggle: Custom widget by name
View: Zoom In
View: Zoom Out
View: Fit to Window
Work Coordinate: Set
Work Coordinate: Reset
Work Coordinate: 1/2





Common Hardware Settings

  • Output bits inversion - any of output bits 0…63 can be inverted by setup checkbox
  • Input bits inversion - any of input bits 0…63 can be inverted by setup checkbox
  • ADC inputs inversion - any of ADC inputs 0…7 can be inverted by setup checkbox
  • Pulse width - Pulse width for PULSE outputs can be adjusted by changing the combo box value.

Control boards ET6, ET7 -

(A) Combo Box represents motor outputs 0,1,2,3;
(B) Combo Box represents channels 4,5.

Control boards ET1, ET10 -

(A) combo box is used to setup pulse width.
(B) combo box should be set to "0"
  • Pulse width - selection pulses format - either PULSE/DIR or CW/CCW


Analogue Closed Loop

Pulse-dir Closed Loop



Config Manager

(Obsolete settings)

Load default settings

It's possible to select and set to default value some of settings like

  • absolute/incremental programming(absolute)
  • Feedrate dimension (unit/min)
  • Linear programming unit (mm)
  • Some of Tab Widgets visible state (Library, Diagnose, Settings, Editor, ROtate, Curtcharts)


Enable log of keys pressed by operator.

UI settings

Allow to edit cnc-screen.xml

This experimental option is very first attempt to graphic editor for UI. The option is activated if the checkbox selected and Save button pressed.

A window “Edit XML config item” with an item attributes will be shown by a mouse right click on the item. At the moment “button”, “display” and some other items are supported by “Edit XML config item”.

  • It's possible to change attributes “Position X”, “PositionY”, “width”, “height” on-the-fly. The item will be moved/resized immediately
  • It's possible to drag-n-drop the item with a mouse right button pressed
  • Changing other attributes will take effect after the software restarted.
  • If “Save” button pressed on the “Edit XML config item” window, new file “cnc-screen-custom.xml” will be created and used as the config. Original “cnc-screen.xml” will be untouched. To roll-back all the changes made in “Edit XML config item” window, just remove “cnc-screen-custom.xml”
The checkbox is cleared every time the Software loaded
and is not stored in configuration file for safety reason. 

It turned out that a profile can be ruined very quickly with this feature. 
We are considering to remove it for future releases.

mycnc/mycnc_configuration_dialogs.1562857999.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/11 11:13 by ivan

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