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Примеры использования PLC
Spindle Speed control for DAC
- SPN.plc
#define command var00 #define parameter var01 //set Spindle speed control via DAC channel #1 //Spindle Speed is given in **eparam** register main() { value=eparam; if (value>0xFFF) {value=0xFFF;}; //fix if given value is out of range 0...0xfff if (value<0) {value=0;}; dac01=value; //setup DAC value //**Set Spindle Speed** is asynchronous operation. //It's better to inform myCNC Software New Spindle Speed applied. //Send information about new Spindle Speed to myCNC Software message=PLCCMD_REPLY_TO_MYCNC; //Command code to send to myCNC software command=PLC_MESSAGE_SPINDLE_SPEED_CHANGED; //Message code parameter=eparam; //New Spindle Speed information timeout=timer+10; do { timer++; } while (timer<timeout); //Delay to push the Message to myCNC Software gvarset(7371,eparam); //myCNC register #7371 contains actual Spindle Speed. //Another way to inform myCNC software about new Spindle Speed //(to display on it DRO for example) exit(99); //normal exit. };
Spindle Speed control for ET10_DAC
- SPN.plc
#define command var00 #define parameter var01 //set Spindle speed control via ET10 DAC channel #1 //Spindle Speed is given in **eparam** register main() { command=0x32; //EXT_ET10_DAC_OFFSET; set ADC offset register address parameter=0x800-(eparam/2)+(1<<12); //0x800 - is the middle of 12bits range - represents 0V //Eparam contains 12bits DAC value in 0V range, ET10 DAC setup in +10V...-10V range, so need to /2 //Encoder channel number is given in high 12 bits of 16bit word. message=PLCCMD_SET_CNC_EXTVAR; //setup Message register with command for access to [[External CNC Variables]] texit=timer+2;do{timer++;}while(timer<texit); //2ms delay to push the command from PLC to myCNC Core //**Set Spindle Speed** is asynchronous operation. //It's better to inform myCNC Software New Spindle Speed applied. //Send information about new Spindle Speed to myCNC Software message=PLCCMD_REPLY_TO_MYCNC; //Command code to send to myCNC software command=PLC_MESSAGE_SPINDLE_SPEED_CHANGED; //Message code parameter=eparam; //New Spindle Speed information timeout=timer+10; do { timer++; } while (timer<timeout); //Delay to push the Message to myCNC Software gvarset(7371,eparam); //myCNC register #7371 contains actual Spindle Speed. //Another way to inform myCNC software about new Spindle Speed (to display on it DRO for example) exit(99); //normal exit. };
M03, Spindle On, Relay and ET10 DAC
- M03.plc
//Turn on Spindle clockwise //set Spindle speed control ET10 DAC channel #2 #include pins.h //defines for pins numbers #include vars.h //defines for variable names main() { timer=0; value=eparam; command=0x32;//EXT_ET5_DAC_OFFSET parameter=0x800-(eparam/2)+(2<<12);//channel #2 message=PLCCMD_SET_CNC_EXTVAR; texit=timer+2;do{timer++;}while(timer<texit); portclr(OUTPUT_CCW_SPINDLE); portset(OUTPUT_SPINDLE); gvarset(7370,1); //Global Register #7370 shown actual Spindle state (0=OFF, 1=ON). //Set Register value when Spindle is ON gvarset(7371,eparam); //myCNC register #7371 contains actual Spindle Speed. //Another way to inform myCNC software about new Spindle Speed (to display on it DRO for example) //**Set Spindle Speed** is asynchronous operation. //It's better to inform myCNC Software New Spindle Speed applied. //Send information about new Spindle Speed to myCNC Software message=PLCCMD_REPLY_TO_MYCNC; //Command code to send to myCNC software command=PLC_MESSAGE_SPINDLE_SPEED_CHANGED; //Message code parameter=eparam; //New Spindle Speed information timeout=timer+10; do { timer++; } while (timer<timeout); //Delay to push the Message to myCNC Software //Wait till Spindle Rotation Speed comes to good values before next motion started timeout=timeout_on_delay+timer; do{timer++;}while (timer<timeout); //delay for Spindle reach given speed exit(99); //normal exit. };
Water Fill and Drain control
Procedure M240 is used in some plasma cutting machines to control Water Table Fill & Drain.
Running procedure with parameter “1” toggles Water Filling, running with parameter “0” toggles Water Draining. If try to ON both Fill & Drain, the procedure will turn off the previous relay to prevent conflicts.
- M240.plc
#define OUTPUT_FILL 13 #define OUTPUT_DRAIN 12 main() { o=gvarget(7184); //read OUTPUT PORT 0 state (pins 0...31) drain_state=o&(1<<OUTPUT_DRAIN); fill_state=o&(1<<13); if (eparam==0) //toggle drain { if (drain_state==0) { portset(OUTPUT_DRAIN); portclr(OUTPUT_FILL); //to prevent both are open }else { portclr(OUTPUT_DRAIN); }; }else //toggle fill { if (fill_state==0) { portset(OUTPUT_FILL); portclr(OUTPUT_DRAIN); //to prevent both are open }else { portclr(OUTPUT_FILL); }; }; exit(99); };
Gantry Alignment Procedure (with Homing)
- M132
G10 L80 P5521 Q1 G10 L80 P5525 Q1 M146 P0 L1028 M88 L0 P5(Soft stop when sensor triggered) G91 G0 Y -300.0000 F 600.00 G04 P0.1 M89 L1 P5(Quick stop when sensor triggered) G91 G0 Y 300.0000 F 30.00 G04 P0.1 M135
- M135
G10 L80 P5521 Q1 G10 L80 P5525 Q1 M146 P0 L1028 M144 G91 G0 Y100 F30 G04 P0.1 G90 G10 L70 P0 Y0 G04 P0.1 M145 P0 L1028 G90 G10 L193 P97 Q5531 debug #98 G90 G10 L192 P98 Q7525 debug #98 debug #97 G90 G10 L190 P97 Q98 debug #97 G90 G28.9 Y97 F200 M146 P0 L1028 G90 G10 L70 P0 Y0 G90 G10 L80 P5521 Q0 G90 G10 L80 P5525 Q0 G90 G10 L80 P7395 Q0 (Homing Flag)
- M144.plc
//Look after input1 & input2 sensors, remember position, when triggered main() { timer=0; message=PLCCMD_MOTION_CONTINUE; texit=timer+2;do{timer++;}while(timer<texit); ready=0; state1=0; state2=0; e9000=portget(13);//gvarget(9000); e9001=portget(14);//gvarget(9001); state0=0; m1=0; m2=0; do { timer++; if (state0==0) { a=portget(13);//gvarget(9000); if (a!=e9000) { m1=1; position1=gvarget(5021+1); //Machine Y state0=1; }; a=portget(14);//gvarget(9100); if (a!=e9001) { m1=2; position1=gvarget(5021+1); //Machine Y state0=1; }; }else { if (m1==2) { a=portget(13);//gvarget(9000); if (a!=e9000) { m2=1; position2=gvarget(5021+1); //Machine Y state0=2; }; }else { a=portget(14);//gvarget(9100); if (a!=e9001) { m2=2; position2=gvarget(5021+1); //Machine Y state0=2; }; }; }; }while(state0<2); b=position1-position2; if (b>25000) { b=50000-b; }; c=0-25000; if (b<c) { b=50000+b; }; gvarset(97,b); texit=timer+30;do{timer++;}while(timer<texit); gvarset(7230,m1); if (m1==1) { gvarset(98,1);} else { x=0-1; gvarset(98,x);}; message=PLCCMD_MOTION_SKIP; //message=PLCCMD_MOTION_SOFT_SKIP; texit=timer+2;do{timer++;}while(timer<texit); exit(99); };
- M145.plc
#define var_address var00 #define var_value var01 main() { timer=0; lparam=eparam>>16; axis=1; // n=gvarget(7230); channel=0xff; if (n==1) {channel=0;}; if (n==2) {channel=1;}; if (n==4) {channel=2;}; if (n==8) {channel=3;}; if (channel>8) { message=PLCCMD_MOTION_ABORT; texit=timer+2;do{timer++;}while(timer<texit); exit(99); }; var_value=15; var_address=112+channel;//channel turn off message=PLCCMD_SET_CNC_VAR; texit=timer+2;do{timer++;}while(timer<texit); exit(99); };
- M146.plc
#define var_address var00 #define var_value var01 main() { timer=0; dir=0; axis=1; channel=0; var_address=112+channel;//channel 0 set up var_value=axis; if (dir!=0) { var_value=16+axis; }; message=PLCCMD_SET_CNC_VAR; texit=timer+10;do{timer++;}while(timer<texit); channel=1; var_address=112+channel;//channel 0 set up var_value=axis; if (dir!=0) { var_value=16+axis; }; message=PLCCMD_SET_CNC_VAR; texit=timer+10;do{timer++;}while(timer<texit); gvarset(7230,1); exit(99); };
ru/plc/plc_examples.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/25 18:55 by skirillov