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MyCNC Plasma Configuration Example based on profile 1024P-V2

NOTE: The myCNC team recommends utilizing the examples provided in this manual (as well as other manuals in this documentation) as a starting point for your machine setup. When possible (and applicable), it is recommended to keep changes to a mininum. In general, using these examples as the basis for your PLCs/macro commands allows for an easier setup process.


In this article, we will show an ET7 control board connection example and the software configuration to build a Middle-class Plasma/Gas cutting table. The Cutting table supposed to have

Configuration process might be quite complicated, Software programming skills needed to do all this stuff. However, customers able to skip all this process and use configuration defined in the profile by default.


Power supply connection

Connect 24V DC power supply to contacts +24V and GND

Pulse-Dir connection and configuration

Connect pulse-dir outputs according to the first picture. Connection configured to use dual motors for X and Y axes. Leave motor output unconnected if you have only 1 motor for X or Y axes.

Axes configuration is shown below

Inputs connection

Arc ON, IHC sensors

IN0 - Arc ON Sensor from plasma power source. IN1 - Initial Height Control (IHC) Sensor or Probe Sensor - a sensor which triggered when the torch touches the material sheet.

Both inputs should be configured in PLC Builder, include file pins.h

#define INPUT_ARC	0
#define INPUT_IHC	1

To see the state of both inputs on the main screen led screen items should be configured in cnc-screen-xml

<gitem type="led" where="led1-toolbar" orientation="horizontal" labelFontStyle="bold" 
labelAlignment="right;vcenter" labelFontFamily="Arial" labelWidth="90" 
labelFontSize="12" inversion="no" ledColor="green" width="15" height="15" 
address="inputs" number="0" >
  <message>Arc Sensor</message>
<gitem type="led" where="led1-toolbar" labelFontFamily="Arial" labelWidth="90" 
labelFontSize="12" labelAlignment="right;vcenter" labelFontStyle="bold"
inversion="no" ledColor="green" width="15" height="15" orientation="horizontal" 
address="inputs" number="1" >
  <message>IHC Sensor</message>
address="inputs" number="0" - for Arc Sensor (IN0)
address="inputs" number="1" - for IHC Probe Sensor (IN1)

Home Sensors

IN4 - Home Z
IN5 - Home X
IN6 - Home Y1
IN7 - Home Y2

The inputs should be configured in “Inputs/Sensors” - “Limits” settings dialog if Home sensors are used as Limit Switches as well If Home sensors are used as Limit switches like on the table below

Input Number Home Sensor Limit Switch
IN6 Y1 -Y
IN5 X -X
IN4 Z +Z

then setting up limit switches will be as following

If Limit switchers configured and any of it is activated, job running will be stopped and Error message showed in the centre of the main screen

Homing Macro

Home sensor numbers should be configured in Macro Wizard accordingly and Homing procedures for X, Y, Z axes generated.

Axis X - Homing X - M131

Axis Y - Homing Y - M132

Axis Z - Homing Z - M133

Led items on the main screen should be configured in cnc-screen.xml configuration file of the profile to see a current state of Home Sensors.

<gitem type="led" where="led0-toolbar" 
   orientation="horizontal" labelAlignment="right;vcenter" labelFontFamily="Arial" labelWidth="80" 
   labelFontSize="12" labelFontStyle="bold" width="15" height="15" 
   address="inputs" number="7" inversion="1"  ledColor="green" >
<message>Home Y1</message>
<message_tr>REF Y1</message_tr>
<message_ru>Хоум Y1</message_ru>
<gitem  type="led" where="led0-toolbar" 
   orientation="horizontal" labelAlignment="right;vcenter" labelFontFamily="Arial" 
   labelWidth="80" labelFontSize="12" labelFontStyle="bold" width="15" height="15" 
   address="inputs" number="6" inversion="1" ledColor="green" >
<message>Home Y2</message>
<message_tr>REF Y2</message_tr>
<message_ru>Хоум Y2</message_ru>
<gitem type="led" where="led0-toolbar" 
   orientation="horizontal" labelAlignment="right;vcenter" labelFontFamily="Arial" labelWidth="80" 
   labelFontSize="12" labelFontStyle="bold" width="15" height="15" 
   address="inputs" number="5" inversion="1" ledColor="green" >
<message>Home X</message>
<message_tr>REF X</message_tr>
<message_ru>Хоум X</message_ru>
<gitem type="led" where="led0-toolbar" 
   orientation="horizontal" labelAlignment="right;vcenter" labelFontFamily="Arial" labelWidth="80" 
   labelFontSize="12" labelFontStyle="bold" width="15" height="15" 
   address="inputs" number="4" inversion="1" ledColor="green" >
<message>Home Z</message>
<message_tr>REF Z</message_tr>
<message_ru>Хоум Z</message_ru>
<message_kr>Хоум Z</message_kr>
Input Number Home Sensor led attributes
IN7 Y2 address=“inputs” number=“7” inversion=“1” ledColor=“green”
IN6 Y1 address=“inputs” number=“6” inversion=“1” ledColor=“green”
IN5 X1 address=“inputs” number=“5” inversion=“1” ledColor=“green”
IN4 Z address=“inputs” number=“4” inversion=“1” ledColor=“green”

Emergency Stop button

IN15 configured as (Emergency Stop)

An emergency stop should be set up in “Inputs/Sensors” – “Alarms” setting dialog. Emergency setup is shown below

If button is pressed Job running will be stopped, new run will be blocked, Alarm message displayed on the main screen

Job Start/Stop buttons

Inputs can be used as Hot Keys. Binary inputs IN14 and IN13 can be configured as “Start” and “Stop” keys in “Panel/Pendant” “Hardkeys” settings dialog. See inputs configuration o a picture below. To configure buttons press “+” button, select input number (13 or 14), select “Pressed” checkbox and choose Slots:


Plasma ON

Plasma On signal used to turn ON plasma power source. Relay output or Open Collector output can be used as Plasma ON output. In this profile, We have reserved 2 outputs (open collector OUT0 and relay output (relay P4) to generate Power ON signal to plasma power source.

Led to show PlasmaPower current state should be configured in cnc-screen.xml

<gitem type="led" where="led1-toolbar" orientation="horizontal" 
   labelAlignment="right;vcenter" labelFontFamily="Arial" labelWidth="90" 
   labelFontSize="12" labelFontStyle="bold" width="15" height="15" 
   address="outputs" number="0" ledColor="red" inversion="no" >
   <message>Plasma Power</message>
Output Number led attributes
OUT0 address=“outputs” number=“0” inversion=“no” ledColor=“red”

Output numbers for Plasma power source should be defined in PLC Builder, pins.h include file

#define OUTPUT_PLASMA1	0
#define OUTPUT_PLASMA2	15

External THC ON

In case built-in THC does not meet customer's requirements, output pin can be used to turn ON external THC. This pin can be used for ET6 control board which does not have built-in THC. In this example, we use an output OUT14 (relay P3) to turn ON/OFF external Torch Height Control (THC)

Led to show External THC state should be configured in cnc-screen.xml

<gitem type="led" where="led2-toolbar" orientation="horizontal" 
    labelAlignment="right;vcenter" labelFontFamily="Arial" labelWidth="80" 
    labelFontSize="12" labelFontStyle="bold" width="15" height="15" 
    address="outputs" number="14" inversion="0" ledColor="blue" >
Output Number led attributes
OUT14 address=“outputs” number=“14” inversion=“no” ledColor=“blue”

Output numbers for external THC should be defined in PLC Builder, pins.h include file

#define OUTPUT_THC_EXT	14


Optional Scriber can be used for marking operations. Scriber turned on by code M72 and turned off by M73. PLC procedures M72.plc, M73.plc should handle scriber turning ON-OFF. We use output OUT13 (relay P2) to control a scriber.

Led to show Scriber state is configured in cnc-screen.xml

<gitem type="led" where="led3-toolbar" orientation="horizontal" 
    labelAlignment="right;vcenter" labelFontFamily="Arial" labelWidth="110" 
    labelFontSize="12" labelFontStyle="bold" width="15" height="15" 
    address="outputs" number="13" inversion="0" ledColor="yellow" >
Output Number led attributes
OUT13 address=“outputs” number=“13” inversion=“no” ledColor=“yellow”

Output numbers for external THC should be defined in PLC Builder, pins.h include file


PLC procedures for Scriber Marking On - M72.plc

#include pins.h
#include vars.h
  portset (OUTPUT_SCRIBER);
  //Wait 0.5sec till scriber ready to marking

PLC procedures for Scriber Marking Off - M73.plc

#include pins.h
#include vars.h
  //Wait 0.5sec till scriber move to parking position


Arc Voltage

Arc Voltage from Arc voltage divider is connected to ADC1 galvanic isolated input according to the first picture.

ADC1 channel should be configured as THC#1 feedback channel (THC#2…THC4 are reserved for Multi-Head Gas cutting machines).

There are 4 parameters to monitor THC on the main screen:

THC parameters are shown in screenshot below

Reference Voltage display

A number of Global variables represent Voltage Reference for THC

Reference Voltage value can be changed either throgh

Display Item with Increment/Decrement buttons (kspinbox) setup for Reference Voltage is shown below

<gitem type="kspinbox" where="w-operate" K="#VARC" format="%3.1f"
       action="cnc-variable-dec-0xa3;cnc-variable-inc-0xa3"  name="display-cnc-gvariable-7013" 
       bgColor="black" labelWidth="60" displayWidth="60" fontStyle="bold" labelFontFamily="Arial" 
       fgColor="cyan" labelFontStyle="bold" format="%3.1f" height="60"
       labelFontSize="12" orientation="horizontal">
   <message>Arc Ref, V</message>
   <message_ru>Опора дуги, В</message_ru>

Reference Voltage Adjustment display

Simple display of Global Variable #7012 is used to show Reference Voltage Adjustment on the main screen

<gitem type="display" where="w-operate"
  name="display-cnc-gvariable-7012" K="#VARC" format="%3.1f" height="30"  
  fontSize="20" fgColor="cyan" labelFontFamily="Arial" labelFontSize="12" labelFontStyle="bold" 
  bgColor="black" labelWidth="120" displayWidth="120" fontStyle="bold" orientation="horizontal">
  <message>Arc Reference Adjustment, V</message>
  <message_pl>Korekta napięcia, V</message_pl>
  <message_ru>Подстройка опоры дуги, В</message_ru>

Arc Voltage display

Simple display of ADC input which is used as THC Feedback channel (ADC#1 in our example).

<gitem where="w-operate" type="display"
   address="adc-inputs" number="1" K="#VARC" format="%5.1f" 
   bgColor="#202020" labelFontFamily="Arial"  fgColor="red" labelFontStyle="bold" 
   height="30" displayWidth="120" labelWidth="120" fontStyle="bold"  fontSize="20" 
   labelFontSize="12" orientation="horizontal">
   <message>Arc Voltage, V</message>
   <message_ru>Напряжение дуги, В</message_ru>

Plasma Cutting Start/Stop Procedures

We offer to use M71 code as Start Cutting and M74 code as Stop Cutting. Codes M03/M05 are widely used to Cutting on and off also. We recommend to use this codes however any other codes can be selected and PLC procedures created and compiled in PLC Builder.

Plasma Cutting Start

A procedure for start plasma cutting is

M71/M03 procedure handles all this sequence, no extra programming needed in g-code

Code for Plasma Cutting start shown below

#include pins.h
#include func_ihc.h
#include vars.h
   timer=5000; //wait up to 5secs till plasma arc ready
    if (a!=0) { timer=0; };
   }while(timer>0); //pause
//doublecheck arc sensor
   if (a==0)
   if (thc_enabled!=0)
    //start THC control
    gvarset(7570,thc_avc_start);	//THC #0 ON
   //set OK message and exit
   //set OK message and exit

Functions do_plasma_probe, do_move_ignition_height, do_move_pierce_height, do_move_cutting_height are defined in “func_ihc.h” include file

/ start motion //flags
//  bit 0 - absolute programming
//  bit 1 - machine coordinates
//  bit 7 - delayed start.
//axes mask
//  bit 0 - X axis
//  bit 1 - Y axis
//  bit 2 - Z axis
//  bit 3 - A axis
//  bit 4 - B axis
//  bit 5 - C axis
  gvarset(7080,ihc_move_down_speed);//seet speed;
  if (ihc_enabled!=0)
    timer=200; do{ timer--; }while (timer>0);
    if (sens==0)
    g0moveA(0x0,0x4,0-30000);//Z axis,
    timer=200; do{timer--;}while(timer>0);//wait till motion started
      if (sens!=0)
       message=PLCCMD_LINE_STOP;//skip line
      }while (code==0);
      do { code=gvarget(6060); }while(code!=0x4d);//wait till motion finished
  gvarset(7080,3000);//seet speed;
  if (ihc_enabled!=0)
    if (ihc_current_height>5)
      g0moveA(0x0,0x4,ihc_current_height);//Z axis, ignition_height
      timer=200;do{timer--;}while(timer>0);//wait till motion started
      do { code=gvarget(6060); }while(code!=0x4d);//wait till motion finished
  if (ihc_current_height>5)
    g0moveA(0x0,0x4,ihc_current_height);//Z axis, pierce_height
    timer=200;do{timer--;}while(timer>0);//wait till motion started
    do { code=gvarget(6060); }while(code!=0x4d);//wait till motion finished
  if (ihc_current_height<(0-5))
    g0moveA(0x0,0x4,ihc_current_height);//Z axis, cutting_height
    timer=200;do{timer--;}while(timer>0);//wait till motion started
    do { code=gvarget(6060); }while(code!=0x4d);//wait till motion finished

How to disable Arc ON input

It is highly recommended to use Arc ON signal from Plasma power source and connect it to ET7 controller Arc ON input to get correct feedback about current plasma state. Cutting will be started just after Arc Plasma ready and stopped in case of plasma fail.

However Arc ON signal can be disabled in case you don't want to use it.

There is 3 simple methods how to do it. You can use any of it.

timer=5000; //wait up to 5secs till plasma arc ready
  if (a!=0) { timer=0; };
}while(timer>0); //pause
//doublecheck arc sensor
if (a==0)


  message=PLCCMD_TRIGGER1_ON;  timer=2;do{timer--;}while(timer>0);